Manajemen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Perum Perhutani Jawa Barat dan Banten Pasca Covid-19

Nur Fathia, Yusuf Zainal Abidin, Paryati Paryati


This research aims to describe the corporate social responsibility (CSR) management of Perum Perhutani West Java and Banten Regional Division in efforts to recover the post-Covid-19 economy through the Triple Bottom Line concept proposed by John Elkington, this concept consists of three stages, namely, Economic Prosperty ( Economic Prosperity), Environmental Quality (Environmental Concern) and Social Justice (Social Concern). The results of this research show that CSR has successfully implemented stages in accordance with the Triple Bottom Line concept which includes the stages of Economic Prosperity, Environmental Concern and Social Concern with the production of forest products which helps the company's economic recovery efforts which have an impact on the community to support the acceleration of economic programs by prioritizing prosperity in collaboration with people's markets and MSMEs in maintaining food security and also alleviating poverty.

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