The Religious Rights Of Parmalim Believers In The Context Of Citizenship In Indonesia

Musdodi Frans Jaswin Manalu, Jundi Robbani


This research delves into the complex relationship between the religious rights of Parmalim adherents and their citizenship status in Indonesia. Parmalim, an indigenous belief system practiced by the Batak people of North Sumatra, faces challenges in gaining official recognition in the predominantly Muslim country. Despite its deep historical and cultural significance, Parmalim grapples with issues of non-recognition, leading to limited access to government services, instances of discrimination, and marginalization. Using a literature review approach, this paper provides a comprehensive understanding of Parmalim's history, beliefs, and practices, contextualizing them within the broader landscape of discrimination against religious minorities in Indonesia. The theoretical framework, drawn from the literature findings, illuminates concepts of religious discrimination, tolerance, and the social impact on minority groups like Parmalim. The study examines recent developments in Indonesia's approach to religious diversity, exploring initiatives to promote pluralism and tolerance. Additionally, the research discusses potential avenues within a citizenship framework and international human rights principles to address and enhance the rights of Parmalim adherents. Interpreting the research findings in light of the theoretical framework and literature, this paper contributes to the literature on religious discrimination, explicitly focusing on the Parmalim group in Indonesia. The insights gained shed light on the challenges faced by Parmalim adherents in exercising their religious rights while maintaining Indonesian citizenship in a diverse and multicultural society. This combined approach integrates a thorough exploration of Parmalim's context with a theoretical foundation, providing a nuanced understanding of the issues and offering potential solutions to advance the rights of Parmalim adherents within the Indonesian socio-religious landscape.


Citizenship; Discrimination; Parmalim; Religious Freedom

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