Spirituality in Society: An Analytical Study of the Community’s Role in Empowerment at Mosque of Jami' Al-Mu'awanah Cibiru

Padli Ismail, Muhammad Abdurrasyid Ridlo, Gita Nurain Salsabila, Riyadi Lubis, Fajar Islami Human


The mosque has a very strategic function in Islamic society both as a place of worship and a media center for holistic community development. This article describes the optimization of the mosque's function as a center for community empowerment activities and the factors that influence the religious spirit in it. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods through interviews, field notes and documentation. The research site is the Jami' Al-Mu'awanah Cibiru Mosque. The results of this study indicate that the Jami' Al-Mu'awanah Cibiru Mosque represents a mosque that is able to revive the spirit of the community empowerment movement in the fields of religious spirituality, economy, education and social society. The success of mosque-based community empowerment activities at the Jami' Al-Mu'awanah Mosque is supported by adequate human resources as illustrated in the ideal organizational structure of the mosque management board and supported by the effective communication skills of the da'i. This research recommends the importance of professionalism in mosque management and the importance of managing effective communication with worshipers. This research enriches the study of Islamic community development, especially in mosque-based community empowerment.


Community; Empowerment; Mosque; Spirituality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/slw.v3i2.40177


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