Radikalisme Agama, Tinjauan Sosial Politik

Asep Saeful Muhtadi


This article examines some phenomena of religious radicalism ended in violence and frequently caused massive physical and psychological victims. The phenomena of radicalism could be analyzed involving various variables, like social, political, economic, including cultural variables. The tragedy of Cikeusik was a kind of violence emerged from subjective religious interpretation, exclusivism, and external political situation. Outside those factors, the weak of the “state” in preventing conflicts and being a significant contributor.


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Nelson W. Polsby. 1980. Community Power and Political Theory. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/socio-politica.v8i1.3486


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Published by: Department of Sociology Faculty of Social Science and Politics UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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