Evolution of Sacred Traditions: The Inclusive Transformation of the Besale Ritual among the Suku Anak Dalam, Indonesia

Asniah Asniah, Sulthan Ahmad, Dwi Wahyuni


This research investigates changes in the Besale ritual tradition, a ceremony aimed at cleansing the soul tainted by malevolent spirits. Initially conducted privately and exclusively for the Suku Anak Dalam, the Besale ritual has now become an open event in the Dwi Karya Bhakti Village, even accessible to the general public. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method, collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation, and analyzing it using the Creswell model. The research findings reveal five main patterns of change in the Besale ritual tradition, involving shifts in the value system, cognitive system, interaction system, institutional system, and behavioral acceptance level. These changes did not occur spontaneously but rather through an interactive process involving various social groups within the Suku Anak Dalam. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the dynamics of cultural and traditional changes in society, shedding light on how social factors and intergroup interactions can influence cultural transformations. These findings can serve as a valuable resource for cultural preservation efforts in various evolving societal contexts.


Besale Ritual Tradition; Cultural Transformation; Intergroup Dynamics; Social Interaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/rjsalb.v7i1.21851


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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347013 Speed: 0.254 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347014 Speed: 0.256 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347015 Speed: 0.283 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347016 Speed: 0.292 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347017 Speed: 0.239 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347018 Speed: 0.252 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347020 Speed: 0.251 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347021 Speed: 0.313 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347022 Speed: 0.299 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347022 Speed: 0.257 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347023 Speed: 0.244 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347023 Speed: 0.215 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347024 Speed: 0.286 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347024 Speed: 0.282 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347025 Speed: 0.596 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347025 Speed: 0.248 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347026 Speed: 0.298 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347026 Speed: 0.257 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347027 Speed: 0.260 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347027 Speed: 0.281 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347028 Speed: 0.285 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347028 Speed: 0.229 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347029 Speed: 0.277 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347029 Speed: 0.246 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347030 Speed: 0.278 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347030 Speed: 0.276 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347031 Speed: 0.283 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347031 Speed: 0.300 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347032 Speed: 0.297 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347032 Speed: 0.253 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347033 Speed: 0.242 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347033 Speed: 0.322 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347034 Speed: 0.238 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347034 Speed: 0.276 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347035 Speed: 0.247 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347035 Speed: 0.306 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347036 Speed: 0.310 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347036 Speed: 0.256 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347037 Speed: 0.249 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347037 Speed: 0.298 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347038 Speed: 0.281 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347038 Speed: 0.244 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347039 Speed: 0.266 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347039 Speed: 0.281 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347040 Speed: 0.286 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347040 Speed: 0.233 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 347041 Speed: 0.311 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 347041 Speed: 0.253 ms
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 21851 Speed: 2.756 ms
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 21851 Speed: 0.606 ms
Speed: 0.322 ms
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 9646 Speed: 0.315 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 21851 Speed: 0.413 ms
Speed: 0.274 ms
SELECT r.* FROM referrals r WHERE r.article_id = 21851 AND r.status = 2 Speed: 0.691 ms
18.61 MB

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