Ilim Abdul Halim(1*)

(1) Perbandingan Agama UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


In the process of establishing of worship place, the parties involved should work together to create a social order. But in reality, the parties involved showed challenges. As in the process of establishing a Church of Santa Clara of Bekasi, this Churuch should not be protested by citizens. But in reality, the Moslemm community as citizens protested the local government’s decision about a permit of Church of Santa Clara.

In this study, the role of religious institution and the role of the state with its apparatus are described in the process of establishing of a worhip building. The description is analyzed by a social religious role theory of Turner and the role of the state from Budiardjo.  Some information and data are obtained through interview, archives and observation.

            The findings show that there are three parties who play role in the process of establishing the Church, Catholic, Muslim and the local government. Catholic group as minority is parties that establish the church.  This group shows that religion is a cocial cement or integration. Muslim group as a mayority show that religion role as social control to the state policy. The local governmet of Bekasi as a representative of the state shows the role of giving legitimacy. The three groups must be a meeting point so that this problem doesn’t become a continuous dispute among citizens.


social cement, social control, legitimation


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