
Official Statement: Forgery of Letter of Acceptance (LoA)


We, ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan, wish to inform the academic community and researchers that there has been a case of forged Letter of Acceptance (LoA) falsely attributed to our journal. We have become aware of instances where a fraudulent LoA purportedly issued by our journal has been circulated to unauthorized parties.

We emphatically state that:

1. Our journal, ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan, has never issued the LoA claimed to be from us to anyone.
2. The document claimed as an LoA from our journal is counterfeit and lacks authenticity from our side.
3. Any LoA purportedly issued in our name can be verified for authenticity directly through official channels. Please contact us at to verify any documents.
4. We have taken decisive actions to address this matter internally, and we have communicated with affected parties to provide clarification and assistance.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this incident. We urge all parties who have received such LoAs to verify directly with us to confirm their authenticity before taking further action.

This statement is made earnestly to uphold integrity and transparency in scientific publishing. We remain open to providing further clarification to anyone requiring additional information.


Ine Fauzia
ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan

Posted: 2024-07-18

Important things that writers need to know:

  1. We only accept articles that are sent/uploaded to the Open Journal System (OJS) of the ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan Journal;
  2. We do not charge any fees either in the publishing process or after the article is published online;
  3. We do not accept orders / written entrusted in any form to pass online selection or publication;
  4. All articles submitted to the OJS Journal of ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan will go through a rigorous selection process by the Editorial Board and Reviewers so that in the course of the process, each article can be rejected or pass online publication;
  5. The submitted articles sent/uploaded to the OJS Journal of ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan might be done in English or Bahasa Indonesia. However, for articles that have reached the copyediting stage, they must be corrected in English;
  6. Authors who do not include an active WhatsApp number in their profiles nor cooperative, and cannot be contacted by the Journal Manager (if they have passed the selection), then their writing will be immediately rejected;
  7. A request for a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) will be provided if the Writer's article has passed the Reviewer's correction results;
  8. The authors might print their articles, if published online, by downloading the PDF/JPG files available on the Archive menu at OJS ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan Journal.
Posted: 2023-07-22
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