Copyright (c) 2024 Neny Rasnyanti M Aras, Adinda Irwana, Ameliana Utami

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Neny Rasnyanti M Aras
Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng
analisis kimia
Adinda Irwana
Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng
Analisis Kimia
Ameliana Utami
Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng
Analisis Kimia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Console |
866.188 ms
Load Time |
628 Queries
Database |
17.02 MB
Memory Used |
496 Files
Included |
0Logs |
0 Errors |
1 Memory |
1 Speed |
memory |
500.90 kBstring: PKPApplication::construct |
speed |
0.216 msPKPApplication::construct |
866.188 msLoad Time |
30 s Max Execution Time |
0.216 ms PKPApplication::construct |
628Total Queries |
468.217 ms Total Time |
0 Duplicates |
SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE session_id = j6vrg90vmaqvb4tgllb2cndll0 Speed: 3.202 ms |
INSERT INTO sessions (session_id, ip_address, user_agent, created, last_used, remember, data, domain) VALUES (j6vrg90vmaqvb4tgllb2cndll0,, CCBot/2.0 (, 1739857075, 1739857075, 0, , Speed: 1.906 ms |
SELECT * FROM journals WHERE path = ak Speed: 1.113 ms |
Speed: 0.483 ms |
Speed: 47.081 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.generic.usageStats.UsageStatsLoader Speed: 0.338 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.generic.pln.classes.tasks.Depositor Speed: 2.788 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.crossref.CrossrefInfoSender Speed: 0.234 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.crossref.CrossrefInfoSender Speed: 0.213 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.datacite.DataciteInfoSender Speed: 0.212 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = plugins.importexport.medra.MedraInfoSender Speed: 0.207 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.ReviewReminder Speed: 0.200 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.SubscriptionExpiryReminder Speed: 0.204 ms |
SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = classes.tasks.OpenAccessNotification Speed: 0.203 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 33742 Speed: 24.998 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 33742 Speed: 2.953 ms |
Speed: 0.541 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 11201 Speed: 0.313 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 33742 Speed: 0.482 ms |
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SELECT i.* FROM issues i INNER JOIN issue_settings ist ON i.issue_id = ist.issue_id WHERE ist.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ist.setting_value = 1383 Speed: 1.811 ms |
Speed: 0.258 ms |
SELECT * FROM issue_settings WHERE issue_id = 1383 Speed: 0.415 ms |
SELECT iss.subscription_id FROM institutional_subscriptions iss, subscriptions s, subscription_types st WHERE POSITION(UPPER(LPAD(iss.domain, LENGTH(iss.domain)+1, '.')) IN UPPER(LPAD(, LENGTH(, '.'))) != 0 AND iss.domain != '' AND iss.subscription_id = s.subscription_id AND s.journal_id = 5 Speed: 0.632 ms |
SELECT isip.subscription_id FROM institutional_subscription_ip isip, subscriptions s, subscription_types st WHERE ((isip.ip_end IS NOT NULL AND 308350544 >= isip.ip_start AND 308350544 <= isip.ip_end AND isip.subscription_id = s.subscription_id AND s.journal_id = 5 AND s.status = 1 AND s.type_id = st.type_id AND st.institutional = 1 AND ((st.non_expiring = 1) OR (st.non_expiring = 0 AND ('2025-02-18 05:37:55' >= s.date_start AND '2025-02-18 05:37:55' <= s.date_end))) AND (st.format = 1 OR st.format = 17)) OR (isip.ip_end IS NULL AND 308350544 = isip.ip_start AND isip.subscription_id = s.subscription_id AND s.journal_id = 5 Speed: 0.318 ms |
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SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 5 Speed: 0.269 ms |
SELECT * FROM sections WHERE section_id = 5 Speed: 0.239 ms |
SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 5 Speed: 0.260 ms |
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SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 11201 Speed: 0.281 ms |
SELECT * FROM sections WHERE section_id = 5 Speed: 0.226 ms |
SELECT * FROM section_settings WHERE section_id = 5 Speed: 0.262 ms |
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Speed: 0.463 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54229 Speed: 11.675 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.395 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54232 Speed: 0.322 ms |
Speed: 0.389 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54229 Speed: 0.317 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.307 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54232 Speed: 0.287 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 33742 Speed: 19.415 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 33742 Speed: 0.650 ms |
Speed: 0.625 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 11201 Speed: 0.299 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 33742 Speed: 0.430 ms |
Speed: 0.312 ms |
Speed: 0.357 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54229 Speed: 0.313 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.304 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54232 Speed: 0.285 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 33742 Speed: 9.563 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 33742 Speed: 0.604 ms |
Speed: 0.859 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 11201 Speed: 0.311 ms |
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Speed: 0.321 ms |
Speed: 0.356 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54229 Speed: 0.318 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.287 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54232 Speed: 0.286 ms |
Speed: 0.309 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54229 Speed: 0.297 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.585 ms |
SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54232 Speed: 0.309 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa LEFT JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN issues i ON pa.issue_id = i.issue_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE i.published = 1 AND a.journal_id = 5 Speed: 18.369 ms |
Speed: 0.480 ms |
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Speed: 0.291 ms |
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Speed: 0.285 ms |
Speed: 0.332 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 358 Speed: 0.235 ms |
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Speed: 0.303 ms |
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Speed: 0.322 ms |
Speed: 0.341 ms |
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Speed: 0.285 ms |
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Speed: 0.285 ms |
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Speed: 0.286 ms |
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Speed: 0.284 ms |
Speed: 0.330 ms |
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Speed: 0.299 ms |
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SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 2215 Speed: 0.263 ms |
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Speed: 0.292 ms |
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Speed: 0.249 ms |
Speed: 0.282 ms |
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Speed: 0.243 ms |
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Speed: 0.254 ms |
Speed: 0.495 ms |
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Speed: 0.301 ms |
Speed: 0.359 ms |
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Speed: 0.311 ms |
Speed: 0.333 ms |
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Speed: 0.303 ms |
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Speed: 0.332 ms |
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Speed: 0.300 ms |
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SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 4080 Speed: 0.287 ms |
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Speed: 0.299 ms |
Speed: 0.376 ms |
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Speed: 0.297 ms |
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Speed: 0.312 ms |
Speed: 0.365 ms |
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Speed: 0.294 ms |
Speed: 0.369 ms |
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Speed: 0.307 ms |
Speed: 0.343 ms |
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 4615 Speed: 0.275 ms |
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Speed: 0.295 ms |
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SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 4617 Speed: 3.361 ms |
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Speed: 0.304 ms |
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Speed: 0.298 ms |
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Speed: 0.359 ms |
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Speed: 0.310 ms |
Speed: 0.348 ms |
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Speed: 0.409 ms |
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Speed: 0.334 ms |
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Speed: 0.426 ms |
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Speed: 0.334 ms |
Speed: 0.387 ms |
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Speed: 2.063 ms |
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Speed: 0.297 ms |
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Speed: 0.302 ms |
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Speed: 0.295 ms |
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Speed: 0.409 ms |
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SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 33742 Speed: 5.963 ms |
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 33742 Speed: 0.639 ms |
Speed: 0.444 ms |
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Speed: 0.360 ms |
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SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = 54231 Speed: 0.348 ms |
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