Students' Pseudo-Thinking Process in Solving SPLDV Problems Based on Polya's Stages

Alfi Syahraini, Nanang Priatna, Suhendra Suhendra


Proses berpikir pseudo siswa terdiri dari pseudo benar dan pseudo salah, dapat dilihat dari cara menyelesaikan soal SPLDV berdasarkan tahapan Polya. Masalah yang akan dikaji adalah proses berpikir pseudo siswa saat menyelesaikan soal SPLDV dengan tahapan Polya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses berpikir pseudo siswa dalam memecahkan masalah berdasarkan Tahapan Polya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu SMP Kota Jambi, Provinsi Jambi, dengan subjek penelitian 2 siswa kelas 8 untuk materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel. Metode yang diguanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data, adapun instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes pemecahan masalah dan pedoman wawancara. Analisis data yang dilakukan terdiri dari reduksi data penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pada proses pemecahan masalah matematis, terdapat siswa yang menjawab benar akan tetapi saat di wawancara ternyata siswa hanya hafal rumus dan tidak memahami konsep, ini dinamakan pseudo benar. 2) Pada proses pemecahan masalah matematis, terdapat siswa yang menjawab salah tetapi setelah diwawancara siswa dapat merefleksikan sehingga mampu memperbaiki jawaban, ini dinamakan pseudo salah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saat mengajar guru dapat mengetahui mana siswa yang benar-benar berpikir dan mana yang berpikir pseudo.


The student's pseudo thought process consists of pseudo-true and pseudo-false, it can be seen from how to solve SPLDV problems based on Polya's stages. The problem to be studied is the pseudo thought process of students when solving SPLDV problems with Polya's stages. This study aims to describe the pseudo thought process of students in solving problems based on Polya's stages. This research was conducted at one of the Jambi City Junior High Schools, Jambi Province, with the research subject 2 students of 8th grade students for the material of the System of Linear Equations of Two Variables. The method used in this research is qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by triangulating data, while the research instruments used problem solving tests and interview guidelines. The data analysis consisted of data reduction, data display and conclucing drawing/verification. The findings of this study are: 1) In the process of solving mathematical problems, there are students who answer correctly but when interviewed it turns out that students only memorize formulas and do not understand concepts, this is called pseudo correct. 2) In the process of solving mathematical problems, there are students who answer incorrectly but after being interviewed students can reflect so that they can improve their answers, this is called pseudo-false. Based on the results of the study, when teaching teachers can find out which students are really thinking and which ones are pseudo thinking.


Pseudo Thinking, Polya Problem Solving, SPLDV

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