Undergraduate EFL Students’ Paraphrasing Skills in Academic Writing at a State Islamic University in Indonesia

Seli Seliana, Dian Ekawati, Dahlya Indra Nurwanti


The paraphrasing ability is one of the important skills for EFL students. The topic of paraphrasing is chosen because many students have problems in paraphrasing. This study explored the skills of the sixth-year students of the English Program Study and their perception on paraphrasing. The case study is chosen to collect the data through document analysis. Meanwhile, purposive sampling is used to choose the participants. The total of participants are nine participants in the 6th semester based on their achievement in academic writing courses. The results of this study showed that there are three students fell into a very poor level, four students fell into a poor level, and two students fell into the average level. By conducting this research, students can dig deeper and find out the actual level of their skills in paraphrasing, because the evaluation results from the document analysis are given to students when conducting interviews. However, this study is limited by the small scale of the participants. Therefore, further research can be conducted on a large scale to gain more students’ paraphrasing skills.


EFL Students, Academic Writing, Paraphrasing Skill

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