Journal of Breakthrough English Language Teaching in Islamic Context

BELTIC Journal publishes research-based articles that reflect deeply on the teacher's professional development and teaching of English as a second or foreign language in schools, madrasas, and universities. It also specializes in the inclusion of Islam spirituality in language learning. Most of our readers live and work in countries where English is not the primary language of communication.
We view English as a dynamic, creative, and comprehensive study of language in various forms and models, including literature and digital media. Articles about cooperation with multilingual and multicultural students are welcome.
BELTIC Journal has always regarded language as an indispensable part of social life and character education.
We would like to have as many people as possible participate to represent the entire professional community: teachers, learners, researchers, writers, academicians, practitioners and anyone who wish to support and improve English teaching. For information on preparing and submitting articles, please refer to the journal’s author information.
An editorial board and an International Academic Review Board supervises the work of the journal to ensure a fair review of all submitted content through anonymous review.
This journal is published by the English Education Department, which trains future teachers of English and is open to the dynamic development of language instructional strategies.

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