Challenges and Learning Methods of Novice Pre Service Teachers Studying at UK Universities

Dewi Novita


The study investigates challenges on the beliefs, approaches, and contexts of teaching and learning that novice pre service teachers experience while studying in UK academic culture. The study also tries to discover the teachers’ preferences on methods of learning they use on their study. The study involves six graduates of MA TESOL as the participants with a mixed method using formal conversation interview, open ended interviews and closed ended interview as the tools for gathering the data. From the research, it is found that there are gaps between the beliefs, the approaches and contexts of teaching and learning that the teachers experienced. An awareness of such challenges is important for teachers, trainers, and curriculum designers working in a change program to meet the needs and resolve the challenges. Finally, it is also found to be successfully learning their study these teachers apply eclectic methods.


Challenges, approaches, context of teaching and learning, novice pre service teachers

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