A Study of Learning Style Preferences of All Female Students in University Level


  • siti nuraeni muhtar Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


learning style, visual, kinesthetic, auditory, tactile


This  research  investigated  students  learning  styles  of  all  female  students  in University Level. The study involved 129 students in one of Islamic University in Bandung. The C.I.T.E Learning Styles Instrument by Joy Reid was used to identify 6 different kinds of Learning Styles. The research questions were as follows: (1) What are the learning styles possessed by students?, (2) What are the dominant learning styles of Female Students in University Level?, and (3) How do those learning styles influence students‟ level of study?.The data percentages show that most of students in each class have visual learning style by the percentage (A:65,21%, B:73,17%, C:66,67%,  D:73,91%).  The  second  highest  numbers also  happens to  Kinesthetic learning  style     (A:69,56%,  B:48,78%,  C:59,532%,  D:65,22%)  and  Individual learning style (A:73,91%, B:43,90%, C:47,62%, D:69,56%). From those data, it can be concluded that more than a half female students in that university are visual, kinesthetic and auditory learners. Tactile learners are only between 40-50 % of students. And the least percentage of students are auditory and group learners. Based on the result, the learning styles of every class are different. The phenomenon shows that there are no special kinds of learning styles that can determine level of study.


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