Agenda Setting Dynamics of Customary Tourism Village as an Effort to Preserve Tengger Culture in Ngadas Village


  • Indira Ramadhani Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Mochamad Attur Mehta Kusmana Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Putri Aulia Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Mustabsyirotul Ummah Mustofa Universitas Padjadjaran


Ngadas Village, a rural village located at the foot of Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia, has great potential in tourism and agriculture. This village is in the spotlight because of the diversity of cultures and traditions of the Tengger Tribe who have lived and maintained their customs which are derived from their ancestors. However, to gain official recognition as a customary village, NgadasVillage faces complex complexities and challenges that affect its approval process. This study aims to comprehensively understand the dynamics of the process of ratifying Ngadas Village as a tourism and customary village, with a focus on agenda setting and the obstacles encountered in the systemic agenda and institutional agenda. The research method used is a phenomenological qualitative approach, involving informants who have a deep understanding of the events and circumstances involved. The results of the study show that the local community and traditional leaders of Ngadas Village have played an active role in pushing for approval as a tourism and customary village. They realize the importance of cultural preservation and the need to uphold their traditional customs, which are gradually eroded by time.


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How to Cite

Ramadhani, I., Kusmana, M. A. M., Aulia, P., & Mustofa, M. U. (2024). Agenda Setting Dynamics of Customary Tourism Village as an Effort to Preserve Tengger Culture in Ngadas Village. Candidate: Jurnal Sains Politik, 1(2), 74–92. Retrieved from