In relation to the existing situation, we, the editorial board of International Journal of Nusantara Islam, are aware of the importance of Islamic sciences in order to perceive and criticize what is happening and changing among the communities. Then, we make every possible effort to extrapolate any Islamic theory and concept concerning fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), tarbiyah (education), kalam (Islamic theology), philosophy and the like with the intention of following changes that happens rapidly.

Published: 2022-02-03

Islamic Religious Education Learning Methods fo Specially Intelligent Children.


Determination of Learning Achievement Approach School Environment and Learning Motivation in Vocational High School


Indonesian Commercial Diplomacy to Japan through the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia


Optimizing the Financial Management Behavior of Msme Actors Through Digital Financial Knowledge in the Digital Era


Innovation of Small Medium Micro Business Governance (MSMEs) Resilience Post Covid-19 Pandemic in Bandung City


SDG's and Zero Emission Vision in Indonesia: Implementation of Green Marketing and 'Green' Direct Marketing Campaign Opportunities based on Population Database


Family Communication Patterns in Early Marriage


Learning in a Pandemi Atmosphere A Study of the Learning Experiences of Island-Based Students at STIKES Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang
