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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published or is not currently under consideration for publication in other media, and it does not contain any elements of plagiarism. This is accompanied by a written statement from the author.
  • The manuscript is written in either Indonesian or English, with a line spacing of 1, using Times New Roman font size 12. The paper size is A4, with top margin of 3 cm, bottom margin of 2.5 cm, left margin of 2.5 cm, and right margin of 2 cm.
  • The manuscript should have a minimum length of 4000 words (approximately 14 pages) and a maximum length of 7000 words (approximately 20 pages), including any accompanying images, graphs/tables (if applicable), and the bibliography.
  • The manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract in both English and Indonesian languages.

Author Guidelines


JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam


  1. The manuscript has not been previously published or is not currently under consideration for publication in other media, and it does not contain any elements of plagiarism. This is accompanied by a written statement from the author.
  2. The manuscript is written in either Indonesian or English, with a line spacing of 1, using Times New Roman font size 12. The paper size is A4, with a top margin of 3 cm, bottom margin of 2.5 cm, left margin of 2.5 cm, and right margin of 2 cm.
  3. The manuscript should have a minimum length of 4000 words (approximately 14 pages) and a maximum length of 7000 words (approximately 20 pages), including any accompanying images, graphs/tables (if applicable), and the bibliography.
  4. The manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract in both English and Indonesian languages.
  5. Manuscripts are to be submitted through the online submission  platform (click "register" to proceed).
  6. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a blind review process by peer reviewers after an initial review by the editorial board. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be edited by the editorial team without altering the substantive content.

For any further details, please refer to the journal's guidelines or contact the editorial team directly.




  1. The title should be concise, effective, and informative, consisting of up to 12 words, including connecting words.
  2. Font type: Times New Roman, size 16, single spacing.

Author Information

  1. The manuscript is accompanied by author information, including: Author's name without academic titles (bold, Times New Roman, size 12), institutional affiliation of the author, institution's address, and email (Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing).
  2. Institutional affiliation of student authors should indicate the place of study.
  3. The order of author names (if more than one author) must be agreed upon by all authors, usually based on their contributions and participation in the research and report writing. All authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript.


  1. The abstract should be concise and factual, covering the research objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions.
  2. The abstract is written in both English and Indonesian languages, each approximately 150 - 250 words in a single paragraph.
  3. Font type: Times New Roman, size 10.


  1. Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words or phrases.
  2. Keywords are italicized, separated by semicolons (;).


  1. The introduction is written in uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. The introduction should include the problem background, hypothesis (if any), research objectives, and methods.
  3. Generally, the introduction should not be too extensive, about 2 pages, single-spaced, and it should refer to relevant literature.

Theoretical Foundation

  1. The theoretical foundation is written in uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. The theoretical foundation should contain a concise theoretical basis with primary references along with recent references related to the highlighted issues.
  3. The theoretical foundation should guide the discussion without biasing the forthcoming results and discussion.

Results and Discussion

  1. The heading "RESULTS AND DISCUSSION" is written in uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. Results and discussion should be presented systematically, focusing only on data/information related to the research objectives.
  3. Tables and open format diagrams are preferred; maps should focus on the researched objects and avoid excessive complexity.
  4. Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially. For example: Table 3.
  5. Subheadings can be used in the discussion as required.
  6. Footnotes should be used for source citations, following the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid), font type: Times New Roman, size 10.


  1. The heading "CONCLUSION" is written in uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. Conclusions should answer the research questions and should be expressed without statistical language.


  1. If applicable, acknowledgments should be written in uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. The acknowledgments should express gratitude to funding agencies or individuals who assisted in the research and manuscript writing.


  1. The heading "REFERENCES" is centered, uppercase, bold, and single-spaced.
  2. The reference list should include only sources cited in the manuscript.
  3. References from Arabic sources should be transliterated following the guidelines of Jurnal Wawasan [Library of Congress], using Times New Arabic font, size 10.
  4. The reference list should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid), font type: Times New Roman, size 12.


Citation Writing

  1. Direct quotations in the discussion should not be too lengthy.
  2. Direct quotations of less than five lines should be enclosed within quotation marks and italicized.
  3. Direct quotations of five lines or more should be indented without quotation marks.
  4. Indirect quotations are summarized and written within the text without quotation marks.
  5. Avoid using direct quotations for research results or opinions; paraphrasing is preferred.

Footnote and Reference List Writing

  1. Footnotes should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid), font type: Times New Roman, size 10.
  2. Book references should be written in sequence: Author's last name, Author's first and middle name (or initials). Title of the book (in italics). Edition. Volume/Series (if applicable). City of publication: Publisher's name, Year of publication.
  3. For more than two authors, list them in alphabetical order without using "et al."
  4. References from Arabic sources should be transliterated following the guidelines of JAQFI: Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy [Library of Congress], using Times New Arabic font, size 12.

For further examples of footnotes and reference list entries, please refer to the  download page.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.[]