Towards an Authentic Self: Homo Technologicus and the Digital Literacy Journey


  • Nurfauzy Lubis Islamic State University of North Sumatera



Authenticity, Digital identity, Digital literacy, Homo technologicus, Self-discovery


The prevalence of imitation behavior as a manifestation of inauthenticity has become increasingly ubiquitous in contemporary society. Such imitative behavior, irrespective of its consequential impacts, has permeated various domains, including the realm of education. This phenomenon can be largely attributed to the absence of well-established technology utilization. Furthermore, it is imperative to acknowledge that the erosion of individuals’ self-concept is a contributing factor in this context. Taking a perspective aligned with Ricouer’s philosophy, this paper introduces the concept of “homo technologicus†as an authentic representation of humanity, particularly in the context of digital literacy. This research adopts a qualitative approach, elucidating the pertinent literature regarding human self-concept and its relevance to the contemporary milieu. The findings underscore the prevailing sentiment among Indonesian human resources, where individuals tend to exhibit a sense of timidity and reticence when they fail to express their true selves. This apprehension often materializes as a tendency to imitate foreign cultures, prompted by the assimilation of external influences encountered while engaging with social media. Consequently, a fundamental loss of one’s identity ensues, exemplifying a pervasive state of inauthenticity.



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