Studi Komparasi Subjective Well Being pada Siswa Pesantren Modern dan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah

Afifah Nurjannah Ismail, Whisnu Yudiana


The objective of this study is to compare the level of subjective well-being in students who attend Islamic education, namely Modern Pesantren and Madrasah Aliyah. The two schools have differences in the form of curriculum, teaching-learning process, rules, school environment, and the relationship between students and teachers that have the potential to influence subjective well-being in students. This study used a survey approach with 79 students from Modern Pesantren and 92 Madrasah Aliyah students who were in first and second level students. Brief Adolescents’ Subjective Well-Being in School Scale was used in this research, which consists of eight items. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test that showed no significant difference found on the level of subjective well-being in students attending Pesantren Modern and Madrasah Aliyah students. This result indicates that the two forms of education did not give a different effect on subjective well-being. Moreover, most of the students have subjective well-being is at a moderate level.


Subjective well-being; Pesantren Modern; Madrasah Aliyah

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