About the Journal
VARIA HUKUM: Jurnal Forum Studi Hukum dan Kemasyarakatan is a periodical scientific journal published by the Law Studies Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law, State University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. The birth of the VARIA HUKUM journal is inseparable from the transformation of IAIN into UIN. This transformation has encouraged the delivery of faculties/general study programs and strengthened the existing faculties/religious studies programs. One of the general study programs is the law study program. The characteristics developed by the Legal Studies study program at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung are a legal, educational institution that can integrate the existence of sharia-based legal scholarship. This is a distinct colour in the world of higher legal education. The Journal of Varia Hukum is published every six months, in January and July. The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.
Current Issue

ISSN: 2085-1154 (Print) 2798-7663 (Online)
First Publication: 2019
Full English Language: present
Publisher: Law Studies Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Duration: Approx. 30 days to the first decision
Acceptance Rate: 35% of the total submissions
Frequency: 2 (two) issues per year (January-July)
DOI: 10.15294/vh
Indexing: SINTA 5
Editor in Chief: E. Hasbi Nassaruddin, SH., MH