Resepsi dan Resistensi: Respons Masyarakat terhadap Jamaah An-Nadzir sebagai Komunitas Muslim di Tengah Arus Demokratisasi di Indonesia

Resepsi dan Resistensi: Respons Masyarakat terhadap Jamaah An-Nadzir sebagai Komunitas Muslim di Tengah Arus Demokratisasi di Indonesia




An-Nadzir, Democratization, reception, resistance, society response


The fact that the reformation having been running for more than two decades is still found being influencial in Indonesia today. One of the impacts is the opening of spaces for religious expression in public sphere in the name of democratization. The experience of Jamaah An-Nadzir is an exmple in wich this study is beeing carried out.  This work is intended to explore the public response to Jamaah An-Nadzir's existence as a non-maintstream Islamic religious community in the Mawang area, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi as the product of the reformation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach, with data research methods through observation, interviews and literature studies related to the object of study. Three forms of paradoxical response of society in seeing the existence of Jamaah An-Nadzir were found in this work. First, there is a response to the resistance of th representatives of religious figures who reject the reasons for Islamic reasons, while there are those who accept that they are a community that only has different understanding in Islam or khilafiyah. Second, the response of the surrounding community shows that they tend to accept the An-nadzir community and enter into land management although a few people reject the strange name of the community and show an acceptional understanding to their physical appearance. Third, the local government's persuasive response to An-Nadzir is supported by a community empowerment approach in social and economic aspects. Likewise, the flow of democratization as an external factor cannot be separated from the existence of communities, Jamaah An-Nadzir was no exception. Thus, An-nadzir's existence can be accepted today, although they still has resistance from several elements. This study suggests the need for further study of this kind of religious community which is still undocumented, so that it can be mapped geographically for the life of the nation and state in the democratization era.

Author Biography

Mustaqim Pabbajah, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

Mustaqim Pabbajah is a researcher and senior lecturer of Islamic studies, Human being and Culture, and Business ethics at Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta. Received his master and Doctor from Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies at Gadjah Mada University since 2013. He was the dean of the faculty of education and psychology in 2013 to 2019 at UniversitasTeknologi Yogyakarta. His major research interests are religious and cultural studies, education, and religious community in Indonesia. He was an editor and reviewer national and international journal indexed. He was also reviewer of International Journal Religion and Spirituality in Society, International Journal of Humanities Education, and New Direction of Humanities Journal. He was published his articles in international and national indexed journal. He can be contacted via e-mail;



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