Menjaga Sastra Sunda, Menempuh Jalan Spiritualitas Berbeda: Kontribusi Ajip Rosidi terhadap Warisan Karya-karya Haji Hasan Mustapa

Jajang A Rohmana


Sundanese people lost one of the main guardians of their culture, Ajip Rosidi (1938-2020). He is a writer who has a great contribution in the treasure of Indonesian and regional literature. One of his important contributions is preserving the legacy of the works of Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930), the greatest Sundanese poet who lived during the colonial period. This study focuses on Ajip’s contribution to Hasan Mustapa’s works. The source is Ajip’s publications relating to Hasan Mustapa over a period of more than 50 years (1960-2017). Through a intertextual approach, this study shows that Ajip’s contribution to the disclosure of Hasan Mustapa’s identity and the legacy of his works from the 19th century can be seen from a number of efforts he did: trace and collect the legacy of Hasan Mustapa’s works; transcribe and translate, publish, and provides an overview of aspects of Sundanese literature. Ajip tries to strengthen Hasan Mustapa’s position in Sundanese literature, although finally both of them take on differently spirituality way. Hasan Mustapa takes on the way of philosophical mysticism, while Ajip chooses to practise his religion which influenced with modernist Islamic teaching.


Ajip Rosidi; Hasan Mustapa; Sunda; spiritualitas

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