Nilai-Nilai Kerukunan Vihara Darma Rhamsi di Jawa Barat

Herlina Nurani(1*)

(1) Mahasiswa Religious Study Program Magister UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Jl. A.H. Nasution 105 Cibiru, Bandung 40614, Indonesia., Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


A conviction, however, the shape is not born from empty space, including a religious sect. He comes from a special variety of life experiences that a person experiences appropriate yan g embraces these beliefs. In practice a cult require means to be recognized. This research seeks to understand the characteristics of a sect that has a very unique, with different religious backgrounds but to sustain an existence of their religion, they establish sect. By using a kulitatif method in Darma Ramsi monastery Cibadak an object of study, researchers sought explores the other side of this sect. The results of this study concluded that the concept of many according to Ramsi Vihara Dharma is by giving what is needed other people, namely in the form of staple food, because in a way it is similar to a living person, when the  activity was undertaken gods will be happy and radiated to the monastery pilgrims themselves.




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Internet: buddha_54ff6eefa33311804c510162 diakses tanggal 23 Februari 2016.



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