Satu Tuhan Tiga Agama (Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam Di Yerusalem)

Amaliyah Amaliyah(1*)

(1) Universitas Pamulang Tangerang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This study describes the difference in perspective about the One God in three religions, namely, Yaudi, Christianity, Islam. Based on the history of the three religions in addition to having a difference they have a similar though all three are related to each other. The equation is the same concept that is based on monotheism Unitarian deity This doctrine expresses the belief in one God.        
However, based on the understanding is different because more Jews speak rules of survival, al is illustrated in ten rules God (ten Comandemen) while Christian was first talked about the role of God, it is envisaged that God can be as Creator (God) acts as a savior, too as human beings, have the same activities as men in general. while Islam speaks about-ness of it reflected in the Muslim holy book ie the Qur'an in Qs. Al-Ikhlas monotheism which is the heart of Islam.


Monotheism, doctrine,similar


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