EPISTIMOLOGI PARADIGMA ISLAM: (Studi Pemikiran Ziauddin Sardar)

Kurnia Sari Wiwaha


This study focus on idea of scince epistemology development criticism today which more dominated by westerm science with Islamization of science. Islamization of science is the process of return and purification science to its ultimate principle –Tauhid, unity of the truth, and unity of scince source. This idea was concepted by Ismil Raji Al-Faruqi which continued by Syed Muhammad Nauib Al-Attas. This idea is based on science sekularization was developed by western tought which their progress is so worried because their thought was free from it prime foundatian and said that sciences is universal and free from values. But, Ziauddin Sardar see that Islamization of science has a asymmetry. Because the problem isn’t on scince it self but on paradigm of Islamic scientist was brought the scince to something worthless form Tauhid. Sardar too afraid that implantation of islamic spirit on Faruqi’s diciplins was not finished on Islamization but to the Islamic Westernization. Then, he gave another solution on his critic by Islamic Scholarship which looked at Islam not just as religion or as law of sugestion and prohibition but as systematic world view.


Islamization of Scince, Islamic Scholarship, World View, Epistemology


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/rjsalb.v3i1.3673


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