Agama Majusi dalam Tinjauan Hadis
Hadist, Majusi, Zoroaster, ZarathustraAbstract
Hadith is an authentic source of Islam after the Qur'an, which mentions other religions, one of which is religious religion. This paper is in the form of a hadith study of the religious religions which has another name, Zoroaster. The reading of the hadith text on religious studies or the Zoroaster was carried out on several traditions narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, which were then interpreted and explained according to the existence of religious religions. The hadith review of the religious religions narrated by Sahih Bukhari and Muslim Shahis states that in some religious hadiths mentioned, the interaction of Islam with the religion of the majesty is quite good and Islam itself is not hostile to the people or Majus. For some scholars categorize religious majors as Ahl al-Kitab.References
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