Intan Permatasari Nurjamilah(1*), Ukit Ukit(2), Muhammad Muttaqin(3)

(1) , Indonesia
(2) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(3) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The background of the research is based on the problems related to learning of science
that is less emphasizing in the creative thinking abilities of students, so students have difficulty to
polish their ability to solve the problems in learning. Teachers must be able to create new
innovations in learning that can enhance students' creative thinking abilities. This study aims to
determine the effect of the monopoly-assisted TGT learning model in students' creative thinking
abilities on respiratory system material. The method which is used is a Quasi-Experiment, with a
control group pretest-posttest design and sampling techniques with simple random sampling. The
research sample is taken from class VIII-C as a control class and VIII-D as an experimental class,
each of which has 30 students using the creative thinking skills test instrument, observation sheet,
and student questionnaire responses. Improving students' creative thinking skills using the
monopoly-assisted TGT model on respiratory system material obtained an N-Gain value 0,61 in the
medium category. The effect of the monopoly-assisted TGT model on students' creative thinking
abilities with the t-test shows that tcount (8,07)> ttable (2,00), means that there is a significant
influence between the experimental class and the class control. The conclusion of the study is that
the use of the monopoly-assisted TGT learning model in learning has an effect on increasing
students' creative thinking abilities on the material of the human respiratory system.


Teams Games Tournament (TGT), Monopoly, Creative Thinking Ability, Respiratory System


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