Revitalisasi Ilmu Dakwah: Kajian Mabadi ‘Asrah Ilmu Dakwah


  • Tata Sukayat UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung



Revitalisasi, Mabadi ‘Asrah, Ilmu Dakwah


Although dakwah activities have been crossed such a long history, but dakwah as a science is still relatively new. Moreover, the study area is almost tangent to the dakwah as a science with some other existing knowledge and have been developed more earlier, dakwah science have been so important for us to develop in more powerful, which in turn can generate a deeper motivation to develop it. Despite much research on the revitalization of the science mission with a diverse range of perspectives, but this paper will look at the process of revitalizing the science of dakwah in perspective mabadi 'asrah which has been well-known in the Islamic sciences tradition that are expected to be more independent as well as seeking the position and its relationship with other sciences which has been exist before.

Author Biography

Tata Sukayat, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung




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