Integration of Reason and Revelation in the Perspective of Philosophy of Science

Dadang Mustopa


Reason is a primary instrument that God created in humans. With reason, one can reason, analyse, and give birth to innovative, creative, and varied ideas. Today the social stratification of a person and his strategic position in the community are often determined by the product of the mind that is born — mainly related to the world of science and modern technology. However, in the perspective of the Qur'an, the mind is not everything. Because at a certain level, competence and reasoning, power cannot afford to reach it. Notably, if it is correlated with the issue of religious truth absolutism, then one cannot rely solely on his reason. Therefore, God revealed revelation as a definitive reference in establishing absolute truth. The announcement that God sent down in no way contradicts a healthy mind. In fact, between revelation and reason can synergize in determining which are good and which are bad, which are right and which are wrong. At the same time, the idea cannot be arrogant but must be submissive and obedient to revelation. Therefore, the reason is never satisfied with a truth that is received without proof rationally. To strengthen the faith in the revelation of God and to provide an explanation for those who doubt, a revelation needs the role of reason to reveal the truths brought about by revelation. With the ability of reason to confirm the fact brought by revelation rationally, then the truth revelation will be more readily accepted by humans by the signs determined by revelation.


Reason; Revelation; Philosophy of Science; Truth

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