Journey Towards Perfection: The Concept of Insan Kamil in al-Jili's Philosophy

Meihesa Khairul Maknun, Ihwan Amalih


The contemporary phenomenon of an identity crisis experienced by individuals in the modern era has increasingly eroded their comprehension and consciousness of their inherent essence and self-identity. Individuals, in the course of this ongoing crisis, tend to forget their fundamental identity as human beings, despite the fact that this recognition serves as the fundamental key to establishing a profound connection with their Creator. In response to this pressing concern, Abdul Karim al-Jili, through his conceptual framework of “insan kamil” or the “perfect human,” elucidates the multifaceted characteristics that constitute the identity of a human being. The present research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing a library research method, to delve into the core of al-Jili’s philosophical insights. A content analysis approach is employed to draw valid inferences from pertinent texts that encapsulate the philosophical musings of Abdul Karim al-Jili. The findings of this study lead to a comprehensive conclusion: the definition of human identity, as postulated by Abdul Karim al-Jili, encapsulates the inherent state and attributes present within human beings, encompassing both the spiritual, metaphysical dimension and the physical faculties. These attributes collectively empower human beings to assume the sacred role of vicegerents of God on Earth. Moreover, within the concept of “insan kamil” as conceptualized by al-Jili, the emphasis is placed on the spiritual and metaphysical aspect of human identity, although it does not negate the role played by the physical dimension. To ascend to the level of “tajalli,” or divine manifestation, and to attain perfection as a human being, it is incumbent upon individuals to practice and embody the values enshrined in the pillars of Islam or outwardly express their devotion while nurturing their inner spiritual dimensions. On the external front, adherence to the guidance of religious law is imperative. Meanwhile, on the internal aspect, individuals must cultivate the capacity to grasp the profound meanings inherent in their actions and devotional practices.



Abdul Karim al-Jili; Human identity; Insan kamil; Spiritual aspect


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