Being in the Digital World: A Heideggerian Perspective

Radea Yuli. A Hambali


The rapid advancement of the digital age has dramatically reshaped various aspects of human existence. Drawing from Martin Heidegger’s philosophical insights, this study explores the profound implications of digital technology on human life, particularly focusing on the concepts of enframing, alienation, authenticity, and the transformation of human relationships and temporality. Employing a qualitative, theoretical analysis, the study delves into Heidegger’s philosophical constructs of “Dasein,” “being-with-others,” and “enframing” to interpret the contemporary digital experience. The analysis synthesizes insights from Heidegger’s works with current digital phenomena, examining the impact of technology on human identity, relationships, and the perception of time. The study reveals that the digital age, while offering connectivity and efficiency, engenders a sense of alienation and challenges to authenticity. Digital interactions often lack the depth of face-to-face encounters, altering the nature of “being-with-others.” The perpetual flow of digital information disrupts traditional temporal experiences, impacting the contemplative nature of “Dasein.” Moreover, the construction of online identities poses questions about the authenticity of self in the virtual domain. The findings underscore the tension between the benefits and challenges of digital technology. While digital advancements facilitate unprecedented global connections, they also risk commodifying human experiences and relationships. The study highlights the need for critical engagement with technology, advocating for a mindful approach that fosters genuine human connection and preserves authenticity in the digital era


Alienation; Authenticity; Digital Age; Martin Heidegger; Technology Impact

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JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam

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