The Effect of Internet Banking Use and Customer Protection Against Cyber Crime at Bank Rakyat Indonesia | Helmiawan | Journal of Islamic Economics and Business

The Effect of Internet Banking Use and Customer Protection Against Cyber Crime at Bank Rakyat Indonesia

Muhammad Agreindra Helmiawan(1*), Ade Iskandar Nasution(2)

(1) Information & Communication Technology, Asia e University, Malaysia, Malaysia
(2) Program Studi Perbankan Syariah, FEBI, Universitas Ma’soem, Indonesia, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


With the very rapid development of technology that helps humans in carrying out their activities, one of them in the banking world has emerged a product in the banking world, namely internet banking. The problem with technological developments is the higher the number of crimes that occur in the internet banking process. This study uses a quantitative research method with a case study of one of Indonesia's national banks, namely Bank BRI specific in BRI KC Majalaya. This study found that the use of internet banking has a significant effect on cybercrime at Bank BRI KC Majalaya and consumer protection has a significant effect on cybercrime.


Internet Banking, Costumer Protection, Cybercrime

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