Journal of Islamic Economics and Business

The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research papers on Islamic economic and business issues. This journal is likewise committed to making the articles it publishes available to international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies for free.

The journal accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research papers using any methodologies or approaches relevant to the Indonesian economy and business topics, as long as the research falls into one of three primary disciplines: economics, business, accounting, management and finance.

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2021 evaluation policies and results.


Based on the evaluation of the 2021 publication, the JIEB Editorial Team decided several changes, namely:
1. Starting in 2022 JIEB only accepts articles in English.
2. Changes to article templates. the latest research method templates are merged into the introduction. Click for the latest template

Posted: 2023-01-17
More Announcements...

Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Journal of Islamic and Economics Business

Table of Contents


Maharani Pramesti, Muhammad Ali Ahmed
Nova Maulana Afrizal, Eka Wahyu Budianto
Windi Hardianti, Asyari Asyari
Kent Marlo Adayo Gelbiro, Karl P. Campos
Dudang Gojali, Yusef Yakubi, Iwan Setiawan, Muhammad Zaky, Yulia Fithriany Rahmah