Collaborative economy-based business incubator model to increase the intention of Islamic entrepreneurship

Reni Qurroti Aeni, Awang Dodi Kardeli, Meirani Rahayu


The development of entrepreneurship education is intricately linked to individual interactions within their environment. This research aims to develop a collaborative economy-based business incubator model for fostering Islamic entrepreneurship intention. Employing a research and development methodology, the study involved 32 Pesantren youths at Taslim Pangalengan, focusing on a coffee-growing business unit. Data collection incorporated interviews, surveys, and limited group discussions. The analysis adopted a quantitative approach with various tests and qualitative descriptive analytics. Results revealed that changes in Islamic entrepreneurship behavior, seen as a social interaction process, are positively influenced by a collaborative economic system. Collaborative experiences contribute to strengthening the transformative aspects of thinking, behavior, and action, particularly in innovating and undertaking business risks. The business incubator emerges as a facilitator in shaping Islamic entrepreneurship intention. The study underscores the importance of enhancing comprehension of collaborative economics and business incubators to cultivate Islamic entrepreneurial intentions. It advocates for a broader perspective on entrepreneurial intentions grounded in Islamic principles within a collaboration-based business incubator model.


Attitude, Collaboration, Entrepreneurship intention, Islamic perspective.

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