Interfaith Marriage in North Lombok: Sociological Perspective of Islamic Law

Interfaith Marriage in North Lombok: Sociological Perspective of Islamic Law


  • Khairul Hamim Sharia Department, Mataram State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Iskandar Sharia Department, Mataram State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Azizurrohman Tourism Department, Tourism Academy of Mataram, Indonesia



North Lombok, interfaith marriage, sociology, Islamic Law


Interfaith marriage has no legal foundation. However, this marriage practice is still carried out among the people of North Lombok. Using a purposeful sampling methodology, the authors used a descriptive qualitative method to collect data from several interviewees, including village heads, religious leaders, and interfaith marriage players. According to this study, interfaith marriage requires the bride to follow the religion of her prospective spouse. Environmental factors, kinfolk or kindred, married by accident, sociocultural factors, a lack of religious knowledge, and transmigration all contribute to this marriage. At the very least, this marriage psychologically affects spouses and families. It also has an impact on the religious peace of the surrounding communities. In the meantime, interfaith leaders advise against interfaith weddings.


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