Guide for Author

The article

  1. Does not contain plagiarism elements and has maximum similarity index at 25%.
  2. Never and is not being published in another journal.
  3. Written in Indonesian or English (using Microsoft Word, Cambria 11, 1.15 spaces, A4 paper size).
  4. Submitted via or sent via Email to

A. The article substance and systematics

Articles published in OIKOS are articles that study a problem related to Economics, Business and Management. The elements that must exist in the articles are: 1) title, 2) author's name, institution name, and e-mail address, 3) abstract and keywords, 4) introduction, 5) method 6) results and discussion, 7) conclusions, and 8) Bibliography.

B. Writing style

Papers published in OIKOS have a writing style as followed:

  1. A received article is an article that written using the MS-Word program, A4 paper, in 12 to 20 pages, with one point one five (1.15) spaces and using Cambria 11 pt font.
  2. The article title is written specifically and effectively, a maximum of 15 Indonesian words or 12 English words.
  3. Author's names and institutions.  The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions, email addresses, without any academic titles and job title.
  4. Abstract is the essence of the paper, written in one paragraph, using Indonesian and English, and a maximum of 150-250 words. Abstract is made in one paragraph which consists of the background, objective, research methods, results, and conclusions.
  5. Keywords consist of 3 to 5 keywords that reflect the concepts written in the paper.
  6. Introduction consisting of background, literature review (to arrange the state of the art), purpose and problem formulation
  7. Method. This section covers the design and subject of research, data collection, research procedures, and technical analysis.
  8. Results and Discussion. this section consists of the analysis of recent data, testing hypotheses, answering research questions, and findings. the discussion involved interpretation of results, comparisons with research and other theories and the implications of the results of the study.
  9. Conclusion. this section contains the research conclusions and suggestions made based on the findings, shown to certain points with operational advice in short paragraphs.
  10. Reference. Provides literature information used in articles with 80% of primary and current literature (from journal articles and research) and 20% textual citations (maximum of the last 5 years).
  11. The applied tables and graphs must be accompanied by the source and numbering.
  12. The applied tables and graphs must be accompanied by the source and numbering.
  13. Bodynote and bibliography use the OIKOS writing guidelines.
  14. The Indonesian or English language used in OIKOS is good and correct Indonesian or English.

C. Bodynote style

The applied Bodynote system in OIKOS is APA style and uses reference management tools Mendeley/Zetero/Endnote).

D. Bibliography

Bibliography in OIKOS is arranged alphabetically based on the cited author's last name. The format for writing bibliography follows the APA Style.

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