Proses representasi grounded-abstrak pada pemecahan word-problem perbandingan

Muinah Muinah, Purna Bayu Nugroho, Sulistyono Sulistyono


Kesulitan dalam pemecahan word-problem perbandingan dialami karena proses representasi yang tidak tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kasus representasi grounded-abstrak pada pemecahan word-problem perbandingan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Kasus yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah kasus kolektif. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah Peneliti, word-problem perbandingan, rubrik indikator, lembar validasi, buku catatan dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah proses representasi yang terbagi dua dalam pemecahan word-problem perbandingan, yaitu kategori proses representasi itu adalah proses representasi grounded ke representasi abstrak dan proses representasi abstrak ke representasi grounded. Kesimpulan penelitian ini terdapat empat karakteristik proses representasi grounded-abstrak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan bagi dosen untuk membelajarkan berbagi bentuk representasi matematis sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan kemampuan representasinya.


Difficulties in solving word-comparison problems are experienced due to improper representation processes. This study aims to examine the case of grounded-abstract representation in solving word-problem comparisons. This research is a qualitative-research with the type of case study. The case studied in this study is a collective case. The research subjects were two mathematics education students who had studied comparative studies. The research instrument is the researcher, word-problem comparison, indicator rubric, validation sheet, notebook and interview guide. The result of this research is the representation process that categorized into two in solving word-problem comparison, which are grounded representation processes to abstract representations and abstract representation processes to grounded representations. The conclusion of this study is there are four characteristics of the grounded-abstract representation process. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended for lecturers to teach various forms of mathematical representation so that students can develop their representational abilities.


representasi grounded-abstrak, word-problem, perbandingan


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