The Development of Problem Solving-Based Interactive Learning Media to Improve Mathematical Communication and Self-Regulated Skill

Mariani Sitanggang, Mulyono Mulyono, Sahat Saragih


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif valid, praktis, dan efektif yang dikembangkan melalui model Problem Based Learning, menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-regulated learning siswa dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interakitf model Problem Based Learning, serta menganalisis proses jawaban siswa dalam menyelesaikan tes kemampuan komunikasi   matematis.   Penelitian   ini   merupakan   penelitian   pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 SMP. Penelitian ini menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang berupa RPP, lembar kerja peserta didik, tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa, dan angket self-regulated learning. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan melalui model Problem Based Learning valid, praktis, dan interaktif, adanya peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self-regulated learning siswa menggunakan media pembelajaran interakitf melalui model Problem Based Learning, serta pada  proses jawaban, jenis kesalahan yang sering dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan tes kemampuan komunikasi matematika adalah konsep, operasi perhitungan, dan prinsip. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menyarankan agar guru dapat menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran ini guna menumbuhkembangkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis matematis siswa.


This research aims to produce valid, practical, and effective interactive learning media developed through the Problem Based Learning model, analyzing the increase in students' mathematical communication skills and self-regulated learning using interactive learning media using the Problem Based Learning model, also analyzing the process of students' answers in solving mathematical communication ability test. This research is development research using the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The subjects of this research were class VIII students of junior high school. This research produces interactive learning media in the form of lesson plans, student worksheets, tests of students' mathematical communication skills, and self-regulated learning questionnaires. The results of this research show that the interactive learning media developed through the Problem Based Learning model was valid, practically, and effectively, increased students' mathematical communication skills and self-regulated learning using interactive learning media through the Problem Based Learning model, also in the answer process, the types of errors that students often make in completing mathematical communication ability tests are concepts, calculation operations, and principles. Based on the results of this research, the researcher suggests that teachers can use this learning tool to develop students' mathematical communication skills.


Mathematical Communication Skills, Problem Based Learning, Self-Regulated Learning

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