Atthulab_Accepted_Yufi Mohammad Nasrullah, Hilda Ainissyifa, Syifa Nuril Asyfiya, Nurul Fatonah
B-107/Jurnal Atthulab/LoA/07/2024
Hereby we announce that the article entitle:
“Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) dengan Media Papan Pertanyaan terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kelas XII di SMA Asshiddiqiyahâ€.
Submitted by:
Name : Yufi Mohammad Nasrullah, Hilda Ainissyifa, Syifa Nuril Asyfiya, Nurul Fatonah
Affiliation : Universitas Garut
Email :
Has been accepted and will be publish in Atthulab: Islamic Religion Teaching & Learning Journal
Volume : 9
Number : 2
Year : 2024
Thank you for submitting your article to our journal. We wish you all possible success in the future.