Evaluasi Kegiatan Indonesia Congress of Muslim Students 2014 Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia

Hanny Hafiar


The research to find out the evaluation activities of Special Event in Indonesia Congress of Muslim Students (ICMS) held by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia especially evaluation of input, process and outcome. This evaluation performed because of the habits in organizing activities by the organization that never concern to the evaluation results from previous activities because the evaluation activities considered as formalities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research shows that the process of input evaluation were discussion of accountability report and finance of the event, evaluation of process discussing problems and handling during the implementation of the event, and evaluation of outcome done by monitoring and polling media. This evaluation has an impact on improving the quality of HTI activities in the future.


Evaluasi Program; Special Event; Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/idajhs.v10i1.884


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