Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies (Accreditated of Sinta 2)
Da'wah bi al-Hal in Empowering Campus-Assisted Community through Waste Bank Management
Reconstructing Da’wah of Salafi in Shaikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali Works
Local Wisdom Based Da’wah in the Oral Tradition of the Jambi Malay Seloko Adat
Da’i Credibility in The Post-Truth Era: A Study of Da’i in Surabaya
Da’wah and the Improvement of Islamic Higher Education Institution’s Image with Communication Strategy of Public Relations
Political Communication and Bullying on Social Media: Da'wah Perspectives
Interpersonal Communication Model in the Book "Aisyah" by Sulaiman An-Nadawi
Islamic Counseling Guidance in Increasing the Maturity of Student’s Career
Counseling Guidance and Value Education to Prevent Radicalism and Terrorism