Rusmana Agus, Edwin Rizal, Ute Lies Khadijah, Rully K. Anwar


The background of this research is the fact that there are creative potentials of Indonesian community should be optimally discovered by ways of developing cultural and environmental society. This research takes a caseof National Park of Mounts of HalimunSalak (Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak; TNGHS). Through those activities the communitites around those areas have risen their economic lives and also actively participated in preserving environment and culture. This research identifies the development of potentials which are not optimally ascertained but should be realized by all related people to take the advantages of them. This research uses descriptive method which is done qualitatively. The study finds out that TNGHS is situated within the range of social planning. This model is not based on local initiatives, rather it is built on the social arrangements performed by formal and informal forces harmoniously sinergized to run social roles of TNGHS


Community Development, Creative Economy, Sustainable Development.


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