Chieka Mariskha, Ika Mustika Sari, Irianto Tedja, Hera Novia


With the use of ICT, the use of e-modules as a learning resource has become an innovation. E-modules are independent study materials in electronic format by utilizing various media and interactive features as well as learners' learning experiences. This e-module characteristic supports the presentation of physics teaching materials in the form of multiple representations. However, the availability and use of multiple representation-based e-modules is still limited, given the importance of learning resources and multiple representations so this research conducts a multi-representation based e-module preparation on Newton's Law material. The research method used is R&D with an adaptation development model of the 4D development model which is carried out through the Define, Design, and Develop stages. The e-module product that has been compiled is validated by four experts and 15 students as initial users. The results of the validation analysis show that the qualified e-modules are qualified properly in the aspects of content, media and multiple representation. In the developmental testing, a positive response was obtained and the results showed that the readability of the e-module was "high" with a reading of 88.65%, meaning that the e-module could be used independently. Based on the results of this study, an e-module based on multiple representation on Newton's Law material was produced with good reviews from experts and students.


E-module , Multiple Representation, Newton Law’s

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/jotalp.v7i1.10999


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