Development of Photonovela Physics Learning Media Based on the Canva Application for Deaf Children at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar
Learning media, Photonovela Physics, Deaf ChildrenAbstract
This writing is development research or R&D (research and development) carried out with the aim of knowing the steps for developing photonovel physics learning media based on the Canva application. The photonovela physics learning media development model was developed based on the DDD-E (decide, design, develop, and evaluate) development model. The test subjects in this study were deaf children at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of this study indicate that the validity value obtained for the media is 0.67. This value is in the valid category. This shows that the media is valid or feasible to use. The level of practicality of the media is based on the results of the teacher's response. The results showed that the photonovel physics learning media based on the Canva application to the teacher's response by 100% was in the practical category to use. The level of effectiveness of learning media is based on the results of student learning tests, with a presentation of 85% of students obtaining mastery of learning above the passing grade.
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