Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): KUBIK: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Matematika
Inverse Matrix RSLPFLcircfr (0,1/b,0) of Order 3×3 to the Power of Positive Integer Using Adjoin Method
Penentuan Solusi Optimal Pemrograman Kuadratik Menggunakan Metode Beale (Studi Kasus: Produksi Padi Kalimantan Barat)
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Pelabelan Fibonacci Prima Ke-k Pada Graf H dan Graf Ulat H_n
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Optimasi Penugasan Mekanik Menggunakan Metode Hungarian pada Dealer AUTO 2000 di Kota Padang
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Implementasi Metode Fuzzy Black-Scholes Real Options Valuation pada Rencana Investasi Smelter Nikel
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Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Method In Determining The Composition of Animal Feed In Broiler Chickens With Minimum Cost
The Effect of Virotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Immunotherapy to Immune System: Mathematical Modelling Approach
Kaitan Ruang Vektor Matriks V_n dan C_n
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