Analisis Faktor Eksploratori dan Konfirmatori untuk Validasi Skala Lingkungan Makan Terstruktur pada Ibu Bekerja


  • Rohmah Rifani Airlangga University Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Suryanto Suryanto Airlangga University, Indonesia
  • Dewi Retno Suminar Airlangga University, Indonesia



structured meals environment, validity, reliability


This study aims to develop and validate the construct of structured meals environment scale. The method used was a cross-sectional survey. The participants were working mothers with early-aged children. The structured meals environment scale used Likert scale which consists of three dimensions: structured meals setting, structured meals timing, and family meals setting. The results of EFA (N = 302) showed that the scale explains the construct of a structured meals environment was 63.98%. The results of CFA (N = 202) showed that the goodness of fit model was acceptable. Factors loading > .5 (.503 - .819) shows the items are valid. Discriminant validity (AVE) moves from .482 - .577 with construct reliability > .7 (.760 - .802). Structured meals environment scale has met the psychometric property test so that the scale is proper to be used.


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