Students Learning Outcomes and Internalization Islamic Values in Buffer Solution Concept through Online Learning


  • Leny Heliawati Department of Science Education Education, Graduate School, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan, RT.02/RW.06, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, 16129
  • Anna Permanasari Department of Science Education Education, Graduate School, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan, RT.02/RW.06, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, 16129
  • Uun Sundari SMAIT Insantama, Jl. Hegarmanah IV No.47, Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor, 16118



buffer solution, concept mastery, online learning, Islamic values


This study analyses students learning outcomes and internalization of Islamic values in buffer solutions through online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted to find effective strategies in achieving students’ competence and Islamic values. This research is a quasi-experimental study conducted on 100 tenth-grade students using The One Group Pretest-Posttest model. The results showed students learning outcomes obtain an N-Gain value of 0.72 (high category). The internalization of Islamic values for three aspects: praying, blessing, and study hard determined the average above 3 (often do). Thus, the research concludes that online learning conducted on buffer materials is effective in mastering the content and internalization of Islamic values.  


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