Integrating Dilemma Stories into Chemistry Learning: Analyzing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills


  • Tritiyatma Hadinugrahaningsih Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220
  • Yuli Rahmawati Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220
  • Rika Siti Syaadah Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220
  • Fitri Sumalia Dewi Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220
  • Shakira Az-Zahra Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220
  • Fitri Tamarani Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl.Rawamangun Muka Raya No.111, Jakarta, 13220



chemistry learning, critical thinking, dilemma stories, project-based learning


Critical thinking is a key competency for 21st-century students, essential for logical reasoning, decision-making, and academic success. However, studies indicate that Indonesian students often exhibit low levels of critical thinking. Chemistry, particularly topics like oxidation-reduction reactions, offers real-life applications, such as waste oil disposal, that can be leveraged to improve these skills. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of integrating dilemma stories into project-based learning (PBL) to enhance students' critical thinking skills in the context of oxidation-reduction reactions. The study was conducted at SMAN 77 Jakarta with 36 students from Class X Mathematics and Natural Science 2. A qualitative approach was used, with data collected through observations, reflective journals, interviews, and critical thinking tests. The integration of dilemma stories in PBL was implemented through five stages: value reflection, problem-solving, project development, monitoring and evaluation, and transformation. The findings indicate significant improvements in students' critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Based on test results, students achieved level 3 (Acceptable) in critical thinking. The approach also enhanced their understanding of chemical concepts and awareness of addressing real-world problems. The integration of dilemma stories within PBL has proven effective in fostering critical thinking and other 21st-century skills in chemistry learning. This approach can serve as a model for innovative educational practices in STEM subjects.


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