Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Temali: Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial
Religious and Ethnic Prejudice as Problems for Creating Social Harmony in West Java
Manifestation of Social Action System on The Gogopet Racing Circuit in Petir Village
Causes and Impacts of Early Marriage: A Phenomenological Study in the Cimarel Hamlet Community, West Bandung Regency
Women's Issues in the Conception of Religious Moderation Among Female Religious Counselors in Greater Bandung
An Action Research Study on Design of Standard Operational Procedures for Knowledge Creation Management of Kinang Putra Dance and Music Studios
Changes in Social Behavior of Children Who Watch the Soap Opera of Bond of Love
The Levels of Student Readiness in Facing the World of Work in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
Digital Humanities: Nurturing Nationalism Through Social Media