Fahmil Quran, Syarhil Quran, Community Based EmpowermentAbstract
Artikel ini diformulasikan sebagai laporan pengabdian pendampingan pelatihan fahmil Quran dan Syarhil Quran di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Huda Sarangmandi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian adalah Community Based Research (CBR). Dengan menggunakan metode ini, maka tim pengabdi melakukan lima langkah pengabdian yaitu: Laying foundations, Planning, Gathering and Analysis Information,Action on Finding, Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, ditemukan empat problem utama yang dihadapi oleh subyek pengabdian yaitu: sulitnya kaderisasi peserta, sebaran materi Fahmil Quran dan Syarhil Quran yang tidak merata, belum dikuasainya soft-skill pendukung, dan belum adanya pengalaman perlombaan. Untuk menjawab problem ini, tim pengabdian melakukan 10 kali kegiatan pendampingan di lapangan. Problem yang ada dihadapi dengan cara: Pertama, kaderisasi bertingkat yaitu membangun tim MFQ dan MSQ dengan keanggotaan kelas berjenjang (mulai kelas VII hingga kelas X). Kedua, membagikan materi fahmil terbaru sesuai dengan silabus Lembaga Pengembangan Tilawatil Quran Naisonal tahun 2022 dan membagi tiga naskah MSQ standar nasional. Ketiga, memberikan pelatihan soft-skill seperti penguasaan bel, penguasaan tilawah, perhitungan waris, hingga pencarian ayat al-Quran. Keempat, mendorong pesantren Bahrul Huda untuk mengadakan liga al-Quran pada perayaan tahun baru Islam atau pada malam-malam di bulan Ramadhan.
This article is formulated as a report on the service of mentoring the Quran fahmil and Syarhil Quran training at the Bahrul Huda Sarmandi Islamic Boarding School. The method used in the service is Community Based Research (CBR). By using this method, the service team performs five steps of service, namely: Laying foundations, Planning, Gathering and Analysis Information, Action on Finding, Monitoring and Evaluation. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there were four main problems faced by the subjects of service, namely: the difficulty of cadre of participants, the uneven distribution of Fahmil Quran and Syarhil Quran materials, not yet mastered supporting soft-skills, and no competition experience. To answer this problem, the service team carried out 10 assistance activities in the field. The existing problems are dealt with by: First, multilevel regeneration, namely building MFQ and MSQ teams with tiered class membership (from class VII to class X). Second, distributing the latest fahmil material according to the 2022 National Tilawatil Quran Development Institute syllabus and dividing three national standard MSQ texts. Third, providing soft-skill training such as mastering the bell, mastering recitations, calculating inheritance, and searching for verses of the Koran. Fourth, encourage the Bahrul Huda Islamic boarding school to hold an al-Quran league at the celebration of the Islamic new-year or on nights in the month of Ramadan.
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Wawancara dengan Iqrom Faldiansyah, pengurus LPTQ Prov. Bangka Belitung
Wawancara dengan Mizar Zulmi, kepala bidang peribadatan PP. Bahrul Huda
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