Spirituality Building Bagi Lansia: Pengalaman Pendampingan pada Lansia di Desa Kare Kecamatan Kare Kabupaten Madiun
Elderly, Training, Ablution, Prayer.Abstract
Kebahagiaan manusia yang hakiki dapat diperoleh dari konsistensi mentaati suatu aturan tertentu. Agama Islam sangat menganjurkan pemeluknya untuk memahami tata cara ibadah seperti sholat dan wudhu. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini memfokus pada pendampingan spiritualitas pada lansia Desa Kare Madiun  dalam bentuk pelatihan sholat dan wudhu. Pendampingan ini  mempunyai beberapa tujuan. Pertama, untuk menghasilkan suatu perubahan, perbaikan, kesehatan, dan kebersihan jiwa dan mental masyarakat Desa Kare khususnya Lansia Desa Kare. Kedua, adanya perubahan dan perbaikan dalam aspek kesopanan tingkah laku yang dapat memberikan manfaat, baik pada diri sendiri, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan kerja, maupun lingkungan sosial dan alam sekitar. Ketiga, mendukung keberhasilan kecerdasan rasa (emosi) pada lansia sehingga berkembang praktik toleransi, kasih sayang, kesetiakawanan, dan tolong menolong. Keempat, mendukung ketercapaian kecerdasan spiritual pada lansia sehingga mendorong kualitan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT. Pelatihan pendalaman agama ini menggunakan metode ekspository berupa program kajian rutin dimulai dari tanggal 26 Juli sampai 10 Agustus 2016 disertai program tambahan berupa pengkaderan.
Kata Kunci: Lansia, Pelatihan, Wudhu, Sholat.
Essential human happiness can be obtained from consistency in obeying certain rules. Islam strongly encourages its adherents to understand the procedures of worship such as prayer and ablution. The implementation of community service focuses on spirituality assistance in the elderly Kare Madiun Village in the form of prayer and ablution training. This assistance has several objectives. First, to produce a change, improvement, health, and cleanliness of the soul and mentality of the Kare Village community, especially the Kare Village Elderly. Second, there are changes and improvements in aspects of courtesy that can provide benefits, both to oneself, family environment, work environment, and the social and natural environment. Third, it supports the success of sense intelligence (emotion) in the elderly so that it develops the practice of tolerance, affection, solidarity, and help. Fourth, to support the achievement of spiritual intelligence in the elderly so as to encourage the quality of piety to Allah SWT. This religious deepening training uses the expository method in the form of a routine study program starting from July 26 to August 10, 2016 accompanied by additional programs in the form of cadre.
Keywords: Elderly, Training, Ablution, Prayer.
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